真逆齡 : 醫學證實,超越抗老的大智 ...
好好照顧您 : 台大老年醫學專家,教 ...
Principles of gender-specific medicine /
New directions in health psychology /
Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness for chemical, biological, and radiological terrorism, and other hazards /
Battlefield and disaster nursing pocket guide /
Aging and older adulthood /
Seven strategies for positive aging /
內外科護理學= Medical-Surgical Nursing/
老人服務事業概論: Introduction to senior services/
環境規劃與基地開發 : 地方性永續規劃設計手冊 /
Handbook of the psychology of aging /
Thanatochemistry : a survey of general, organic, and biochemistry for funeral service professionals /
Pathology and microbiology for mortuary science /
Embalming : history, theory, and practice /
人類行為與社會環境 : 社會心理與行為研究 /
Handbook of positive psychology /
醫療品質管理學 = Quality management in healthcare /
大腦的皮質功能 /
多桑的待辦事項 : エンディングノート = Ending note