空中行專 : 國立空中行專畢業紀念專 ...
革命學 /
偽歧視: 拆穿政治正確、破解直覺偏見 ...
化解衝突的高效溝通: 當爭論產生,你 ...
極簡俄羅斯史: 俄羅斯,難以琢磨 這 ...
歡迎來我家!: 世界上最奇妙的10種 ...
觀念物理 /
觀念化學 /
Data structures and algorithms in Java /
The power of elearning : the essential guide for teaching in the digital age /
統計學 /
Java : a framework for program design and data structures /
Wireless communications : principles and practice /
Object-oriented data structures using Java /
Michael Allen's guide to e-learning : building interactive, fun, and effective learning programs for any company /
Data structures with Java /
Machine learning and security : protecting systems with data and algorithms /
Python金融分析: 第二版/
Wireless networking /
Wireless communications /
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data/
Around the world : the best folks & master pieces in the world = 環遊世界
Objects, abstraction, data structures, and design using Java, version 5.0 /
Live and online! : tips, techniques, and ready-to-use activities for the virtual classroom /
空中教學論叢 /
Full potential GMAT sentence correction intensive /