一口讀通刑事訴訟法 /
新學林分科六年 : 刑事訴訟法 /
刑事訴訟法(下), Lehrbuch ...
刑事訴訟法(上), Lehrbuch ...
與刑事訴訟法有約 解題趣 /
3Q刑事訴訟法 破題書/
刑事訴訟法: 法科全彩心智圖表4.0 ...
大遷徙 Great migrations = Move as millions survive as one /
鹿鼎記 = The Duke of the mount deer
天龍八部 = The Semi-gods and the semi-devils
期貨市場 :理論與實務
The 2001/2002 ASTD distance learning yearbook/
The online teaching guide : a handbook of attitudes, strategies, and techniques for the virtual classroom /
Facilitating online learning : effective strategies for moderators /
Teaching online : a practical guide /
Web-based learning and teaching technologies : opportunities and challenges /
E-learning : strategies for delivering knowledge in the digital age /
E-moderating : the key to teaching and learning online /
Google無敵活用術 /
心智.大腦與學習 : 認識心理及教育相關之神經科學研究 /
碧血劍 = The Sword stained with royal blood
射鵰英雄傳 = The Eagle-shooting heroes
神鵰俠侶 = The Giant eagle and its companion
俠客行 = Ode to the gallantry