PHP新鮮派 /
PHP網頁模組隨學隨用 /
PHP5 & MySQL架站教學 /
教育部學術研究資訊服務套裝程式委員會 ...
PHP & MySQL商業網站架設實 ...
觀念物理 /
觀念化學 /
Data structures and algorithms in Java /
The power of elearning : the essential guide for teaching in the digital age /
統計學 /
Java : a framework for program design and data structures /
Wireless communications : principles and practice /
Object-oriented data structures using Java /
數位學習導論與實務 = E-learning theory & practice /
Michael Allen's guide to e-learning : building interactive, fun, and effective learning programs for any company /
Data structures with Java /
簡易英文會話 : Simple english conversation = 最生動的英文對話實況 /
Python金融分析: 第二版/
Wireless networking /
Wireless communications /
Machine learning and security : protecting systems with data and algorithms /
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data/
Objects, abstraction, data structures, and design using Java, version 5.0 /