Wake up and smell the coffee // 環球國際唱片 Content source:
小野麗莎精選 As time goe ...
小野麗莎美麗時光 Lisa ono ...
從今夜到永遠 Forever beg ...
童年序曲 校園音樂專輯 /
月亮在看你 The moon is ...
Julio Iglesias / R ...
feels like home
Come away with me
genius loves compa ...
祐之原.生之歌 Evolution ...
祐生之歌 Song of archi ...
鹿鼎記 = The Duke of the mount deer
數學讓腦袋變靈光 /
Ennio Morricone the platinum collection = 顏尼歐莫里克奈 白金典藏 /
倚天屠龍記 = The Heaven sword and the dragon sabre
神鵰俠侶 = The Giant eagle and its companion
大自然的數學遊戲 /
新聞中的科學 : 大學指考搶分大補帖 /
Ennio Morricone Film music 1966-1987 /
我妹妹 /
為什麼公車一次來3班? : 81個生活中隱藏的數學謎題 /
Learning vocabulary in another language /
How to write a sentence : and how to read one /
碧血劍 = The Sword stained with royal blood
書劍恩仇錄 = Book and sword, gratitude and revenge
Corpus linguistics : investigating language structure and use /
The wealth of nations / Adam Smith ; introduction by Robert Reich ; edited, with notes, marginal summary, and enlarged index, by Edwin Cannan.
小王子 /
The Best is yet to come
A journey home